
James Dyson Award 2016

Le brief :

Résoudre un problème par une solution innovante. Nous invitons les jeunes ingénieurs et designers du monde entier à réfléchir différemment pour proposer un produit ou un concept qui permet de résoudre un problème. Les meilleures inventions doivent à la fois apporter une amélioration au quotidien des utilisateurs tout en étant simples à utiliser et à mettre en place. L'impact environnemental et le potentiel commercial du produit seront également pris en compte.

Inscriptions possibles jusqu'au 19 juillet 2016, en ligne :

We're looking for students and recent graduates of design or engineering, who have a problem-solving idea.

The James Dyson Award is an international student design competition, open in 22 countries around the world. Entrants must submit a product or concept which solves a tangible problem, and works better.

We're looking for inventions that do more with less, designed with the environment in mind. They should have a significant and practical purpose, and have the potential to be commercially viable.

The national winner in each country will be awarded £2,000.
The international winner - hand-picked by Sir James Dyson - will be awarded £30,000.James Dyson says: "Young people have the power to change the world through engineering.

Each year the James Dyson Award sees truly remarkable solutions to everyday problems and as the award grows around the world we are seeing more problems solved from more angles. No problem is too big.
The simplest solutions are the best."The James Dyson Award 2016 opened for entries on February 18, and will close on July 19. The competition is open to both individuals and teams.

To enter the competition, click here. To see the Terms and Conditions, click here.
Catégorie(s) : Concours
Publié le : 18 Fév 2016